Charles Dancla Etude OP.84 Chasse du jeune Henry – Piano Accompaniment. Practice Video

Charles Dancla (1817-1907): Etude No. 29 Op. 84  Chasse du jeune Henry
Piano Accompaniment arranged by Fiona Vilnite

This etude, which appears as No.17 in some editions, is from Dancla’s collection of 36 etudes entitled “36 Études mélodiques et très faciles” (Very Easy and Melodic etudes).
This great etude is full of character and is perfect for violinists wishing to develop simple double stops and a sense of rhythm in 6/8 time. About grade 3 in standard (or lower intermediate), it provides an opportunity to travel into 3rd position towards the end with a classic D major arpeggio.

The theme from this etude appears in  Étienne Méhul’s comic opera Le jeune Henri  (first performed in 1797). Whilst it is perhaps unusual to re-use a (then) popular theme in a work that was intended to be for an unaccompanied instrument as a technical etude, it certainly lives up to the collection’s name – i.e. that it is truly melodic. The Etude is preceded in the original edition by a preparatory exercise, that prepares the player for the rhythms and tonality that follows in the etude itself.

This new practice video includes both the etude and the preparatory exercise with a newly-added piano accompaniment. This helps to keep in tune and in time during practice sessions, and provides an alternative to practising with a metronome.

Practice Tips:

  • Use this etude to practice intonation:
    The open A (la) string played as a double stop helps to reference the notes played by the fingers on the E (mi) string, assisting in developing harmonic intonation
  • Practice the etude slowly without vibrato – playing without vibrato helps to develop core, stable intonation
  • Use the etude and its preparatory exercise to practice bow distribution
    The exercise is preceded by a direction to play at the point of the bow, giving an impulse to the quaver (1/8th) notes . Indeed, this advice will help the player to recover enough bow for playing the following crotchets (1/4 notes)
  • Remember to start the etude on an up bow! (The exercise starts with a down bow)
    • For practising with the video, try the following:
      1) Listen to the violin and piano version once through without the violin
      2) Take the violin without the bow and listen to the violin and piano version again, whilst following the along with the left hand only
      3) Take the violin and the bow and play along with the piano accompaniment
      4) Repeat these steps with the etude’s preparatory exercise

Happy Practising!

The video is in 4 parts:
1) Etude Violin and Piano (0:01)
2) Etude Piano Accompaniment (Play Along) (1:12)
3) Preparatory Exercise Violin and Piano (2:24)
4) Preparatory Exercise Piano Accompaniment (Play Along) (3:07)

The sheet music for this etude can be downloaded HERE

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